The Characters

 In a typical West Marches campaign, there is a pool of players (around 10 to 14) that schedule when and who will be at the next game session. This rotating roster means that no two sessions have the same exact players at the table for each game.  Hexplore24 deviates slightly in this regard. Instead of a pool of players, you'll have a pool of characters. When one group is experiencing "downtime" in The Town, getting ready for the next expedition or recovering lost hit points...there is nothing stopping you from rolling up a new crew and sending them out into The Wilds in search for gold and glory during that time. It's a good idea to keep a calendar handy to mark when characters are available to adventure. "Downtime" = no adventures taking place. You can roll to obtain new party members and/or retainers each day, if that's a needed condition for the next foray.  If the roll fails, then add an additional day in town. If group B returns before group A has left...then info is exchanged and the map is updated, which could lead to Group A changing plans. Sounds confusing, don't worry...I'll be making a video breaking it down with examples.

Next I'll get into Game Summaries 


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