Hexplore24 Day 14/366


On the fourteenth day of their return journey to Emtor, the party found themselves navigating through the mountainous terrain, facing unexpected danger in the form of a Hrecha, a rare aerial predator of the Red Planet.

As the party ventured through the mountains, the Hrecha attacked, its claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. Nril Mandre attempted to use his Somnolence power to subdue the creature, but both attempts proved unsuccessful. Undeterred, the Hrecha targeted Xor, inflicting harm upon him. In a swift response, Xor drew his pistol and fired, striking the creature in the flank and momentarily stunning it. Seizing the opportunity, Argl unleashed his beastial nature, tearing the Hrecha to bloody ribbons in mere moments.

Though the battle was intense, the party's swift and coordinated efforts allowed them to overcome the threat. Xor's wounds were tended to promptly, ensuring his fitness to continue the journey to Emtor.

With the Hrecha defeated, the party proceeded through the hills toward Emtor, the remainder of their journey unmarred by further incidents. The familiar sight of the city walls emerged on the horizon, providing a reassuring beacon as they approached the safety and civilization of Emtor.

System(s): Warriors of the Red Planet/Seven Voyages of Zylarthen/OSE Advanced Fantasy 

Setting: The planet of Ancient Barsoom (approximately 100,000 years before the events of A Princess of Mars) 

The Party:
Name: Zilzilm Ar
Race: Ancient
Class: Scientist 1

Name: Xor
Race: Man, onyx
Class: Assassin 1

Name: Nril Mandre
Race: Exotic (aka purple-scaled Horib)
Class: Mentalist 1

Name: Argl
Race: Elevated (Argl is a Zurabis Phantom that has had his brain swapped with that of a man's)
Class: Mentalist 1

Hexes explored: 
1903 [mountains]*
1902 [hills]
1901 [Emtor]



1903  Hrecha  1

Result: Nril Mandre twice attempted to use his Somnolence power, but both attempts failed to down the creature. The hrecha succeeded in attacking Xor, who promptly drew is pistol and shot the creature in the flank. This stunned the creature long enough for Agrl to unleash his beastial nature, and claw the hrecha to bloody ribbons. 

(Hrecha AC: 5 [15] HD: 5 Atk: 4 claws or 1 bite Dmg: 1d4 each or 2d8 Save: F5 Move: 180’ (fly))


Resources expended:
1 provision each

XP earned:
225 each

* = Encounters 
** = Features
*** = Encounters and Features


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