Hexplore24 Day 17/366


At the site of the tumbled-down temple, the eerie calm was shattered by the sudden descent of four white apes into the crater. Khem, being the only fully healed member, was the first to spot the menacing creatures. Swiftly, he unleashed his Somnolence power, incapacitating two apes outright and the third as it charged menacingly toward the camp.

The final white ape, undeterred and intent on slaughter, rampaged into the group. Hrul Marak and Tul Ur Gant fired their weapons, inflicting slight wounds, while Haj Uljat circled, seeking a strategic advantage. The ferocious ape, however, landed a devastating blow on Hrul Marak. In a valiant effort, Tul Ur Gant and Haj Uljat struck with exceptional precision, but their close proximity proved fatal as the ape tore them apart, claiming their lives.

Seizing the opportunity, Khem attempted to drive his dagger into the beast's spine, but the strike missed its mark. Fueled by rage, Hrul Marak retaliated, driving his blade into the neck of the ape, finally ending the brutal attack. Khem and Hrul Marak then dispatched the unconscious trio of apes with well-placed stabs to the base of their skulls.

In the aftermath, with the loss of companions weighing heavily on their hearts, Khem and Hrul Marak recognized the urgency to retreat. They must return to Emtor, their journey on the morrow will prove a solemn and arduous trek as they leave behind their fellow adventurers to mysterious and perilous landscapes surrounding the tumbled-down temple.

System(s): Warriors of the Red Planet/Seven Voyages of Zylarthen/OSE Advanced Fantasy 

Setting: The planet of Ancient Barsoom (approximately 100,000 years before the events of A Princess of Mars) 

The Party:

Hrul Marak (Human, red) Level 1 Fighting-man

Haj Uljat (Human, red) Level 1 Scoundrel [DECEASED] 

Khem (Unliving) Level 1 Mentalist

Tul Ur Gant (Ancient) Level 1 Warden [DECEASED] 

Hexes explored: 
2305 [campsite/temple]*


2305 Tumbled-down temple 



2305  White Apes  4
Results: Khem downed 3 before the 4th managed to reach the party. It killed Haj Uljat and Tul Ur Gant, but not before they greatly wounded it. Hrul Marak dealt the killing blow. The rest of the apes were dispatched quickly afterward.

Resources expended:
1 provision each
Surgical supplies reduced by an additional 25%

XP earned:
1200 each

* = Encounters 
** = Features
*** = Encounters and Features 


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