Now for the real goodies. With what's here you'll have everything you need to start Hexplore24, and the best part is its all FREE. Wilderness Hexplore by Jed McClure. IMHO the best procedural hexcrawl generator. The folks at Necrotic Gnome were generous in providing the entirety of Old School Essentials Classic Fantasy SRD free of charge. If you're unfamiliar with OSE, it is a retroclone of Moldvey Basic/Expert B/X) Dungeons and Dragons. OSE SRD: OSE Generators: Need a setting unique setting? Reddit user Lixuni98 converted two 2e D&D campaign settings to OSE. Dark Sun is a post-apocalyptic wonderland wasteland hellbent on killing you. Needless to say, its awesome. Thankfully, Lixuni98 provided terrain mechanics in the revised edition. Player's Handbook: https://...
This is what a TPK looks like... Synopsis: The party entered an unlocked room, and upon entering it a noxious vaper permeated the hallway. The gas was, of course, poisoned and not one character successfully passed the request saving throw. Tomorrow we will check up on Team Alpha back in Emtor....and maybe roll up another group of adventurers.
The viral #dungeon23 challenge put forth by Sean McCoy is coming to an end as of December 31st. For myself and many others it has been apart of our daily lives, one room at a time. It’s gonna feel a little weird on the 1st when that aspect of my morning ritual goes away. Like I’ve forgotten something, but can’t put a finger on what it was. So, I’ve decided to cobble together a few ideas for a project that will replace #dungeon23. I’m calling it #hexplore24 and I’ll give a “brief" outline of what that’ll entail. The gist: 1) Exploration of an unknown territory. Grab your favorite hexcrawl generator!! 2) 1:1 time. One actual day = one game day. In other words, there are 366 days and you play one day per day. 3) No mindless “plot following”. There is no regular pre-scripted story. It is a sandbox game. There is no mysterious old man sending the characters on quests. No overarching plot, just an overarching environment. If this so...
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