Hexplore24 Day 23/366


The party's journey unfolded through a diverse landscape of mountains, thickets, and savanna. In the mountains, they spotted a ruined mausoleum nestled in a rocky slope, adorned with petrified vines and towering amethyst crystals.

As they traversed the thickets, an ominous discovery awaited them—a spike-lined crevasse filled with the skeletons of green Martians. Witnessing a group of Drakk scurrying into burrows at the bottom heightened the eerie atmosphere of the place.

Upon entering the savanna, the party stumbled upon an intriguing yet perilous scene—a campsite surrounded by arcane runes drawn in the sand. A mysterious forcefield prevented access beyond the symbols. In the distance, a pack of Drakk, too formidable to confront directly, ransacked the brush. Wisely, the party retreated to a safe distance, patiently waiting until the creatures were out of sight.

Seeking refuge miles away from the peculiar campsite and the Drakk, the party established a defensible location for their own camp. Setting up watches, they took precautionary measures to protect themselves from potential threats lurking in the mysterious and unpredictable terrains of Barsoom.

System(s): Warriors of the Red Planet/Seven Voyages of Zylarthen/OSE Advanced Fantasy 

Setting: The planet of Ancient Barsoom (approximately 100,000 years before the events of A Princess of Mars) 

The Party:

Name: Zilzilm Ar
Race: Ancient
Class: Scientist 1

Name: Xor
Race: Man, onyx
Class: Assassin 1

Name: Nril Mandre
Race: Exotic (aka purple-scaled Horib)
Class: Mentalist 1

Name: Argl
Race: Elevated (Argl is a Zurabis Phantom that has had his brain swapped with that of a man's)
Class: Mentalist 1

Hexes explored: 

1905 [mountains]**

1906 [thickets]***

1907 [savanna]***


1905 - ancient mausoleum covered in petrified vines and huge amethyst crystals, set in a rocky slope. 

1906 - deep crevasse filled with skeletal remains of green Martians, spike-lined. 7 Drakk 

1907 - empty campsite surrounded by mystic runes drawn in the sand. Strange forcefield prevents access. 15 Drakk



1906  Drakk  7
Result: seen inside crevasse. Scattered into burrows near the bottom of the crevasse. 

1907  Drakk  15
Result: too large a pack to confront. Retreated to a safe distance. 

Resources expended:
1 provision each 

XP earned:

* = Encounters 
** = Features
*** = Encounters and Features


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