Hexplore24 Day 25/366


The party ventured into the hills, where they stumbled upon a remarkable discovery—a square-shaped tumbled-down crystalline structure crafted from a massive single quartz crystal. As they explored the structure, they uncovered a single stairway leading to at least one underground level.

Amidst their exploration, the party encountered two Bai perched upon a crystal wall, observing them with cautious curiosity. Despite the initial tension, Agrl, intrigued by the opportunity for communication, engaged in a peaceful negotiation with the winged beings. Ultimately, the Bai agreed to allow the party to continue undisturbed in exchange for Zilzilm Ar's chronometric device.

With the negotiations settled, the party decided to camp outside the crystal ruins for the night, preparing for the exploration of the underground level and reflecting on the mysteries that awaited them within the crystalline structure.

System(s): Warriors of the Red Planet/Seven Voyages of Zylarthen/OSE Advanced Fantasy 

Setting: The planet of Ancient Barsoom (approximately 100,000 years before the events of A Princess of Mars) 

The Party:

Name: Zilzilm Ar
Race: Ancient
Class: Scientist 1

Name: Xor
Race: Man, onyx
Class: Assassin 1

Name: Nril Mandre
Race: Exotic (aka purple-scaled Horib)
Class: Mentalist 1

Name: Argl
Race: Elevated (Argl is a Zurabis Phantom that has had his brain swapped with that of a man's)
Class: Mentalist 1

Hexes explored: 
1607 [hills]***

1607  Tumbled-down square temple° made of quartz located in a gorge amongst the hills. 1 level above ground, 3 levels underground. 

°obviously the party doesn't yet know it is a temple - the heart of a god is located on the third level somewhere. 


1607  Bai  2
Result: negotiated for peace with the Bai. Zilzilm Ar gave up his chronometric device for the exchange. 

(Bai AC: 6 [14] HD: 1d6 Atk: bow or spear Dmg: 1d6 or 1d8 Save: F1 Move: 120’ (fly) or 90’ (walk))


Resources expended:
1 provision each
Zilzilm Ar's chronometric device 

XP earned:
25 each

* = Encounters 
** = Features
*** = Encounters and Features


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