Hexplore24 Day 30/366


The group continued their expedition along the ancient road, winding their way through the rugged mountains, traversing hills, and eventually navigating through arid thickets that marked the changing landscape of Barsoom.

Amidst the towering mountains, the party's keen eyes caught sight of a weathered pole, its tattered flag defiantly planted within a crevice of the mountainside—a silent sentinel bearing witness to the passage of time and the mysteries of the land.

As they journeyed through the hills, the party encountered a crossroads, a pivotal moment where paths diverged and choices lay before them. Opting to follow the southern route, they ventured into the stretch of thickets that awaited beyond, their path guided by the unseen currents of fate and adventure.

Despite the intriguing discoveries and the significance of the crossroads, the remainder of the day unfolded without further notable events, allowing the party to progress through the untamed wilderness of Barsoom with a sense of anticipation and readiness for the trials and wonders that lay ahead in their journey.

System(s): Warriors of the Red Planet/Seven Voyages of Zylarthen/OSE Advanced Fantasy 

Setting: The planet of Ancient Barsoom (approximately 100,000 years before the events of A Princess of Mars) 

The Party:

Name: Ghodrim Dar 
Race: Ancient 
Class: Warden 1

Name: Fthak 
Race: Exotic (silicate based humanoid) 
Class: Fighting-man 1

Name: Yu Xythro 
Race: Unliving 
Class: Mentalist 1

Name: Ak 
Race: Man, yellow Martian 
Class: Sorcerer of the Black Gate 1

Name: Sorm
Race: Unliving
Class: Kineticist 1

Name: Thryst Drim
Race: Elevated (a mantis-creature called a Beklid)
Class: Warden 1

Hexes explored: 
1507 [mountains]**
1607 [hills]**
1708 [thickets]**

1507 ancient road continues. A pole with a tattered flag is jammed into a crevice in the mountainside. 
1607 ancient road comes to a crossroads.
1708 ancient road curves to a southerly direction. 



Resources expended:
1 provision each

XP earned:

* = Encounters 
** = Features

*** = Encounters and Features


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