Hexplore24 Day 4/366

The party embarked on their return journey to Emtor, retracing their steps through the rugged mountains that had challenged them before. As the day unfolded, they found themselves back amidst the same towering peaks where their previous expedition had commenced.

Upon reaching this familiar point, a sight of antiquity caught their attention—a long-dead waterfall and an ancient dry riverbed meandering from north to south, bearing silent witness to the passage of time and the changing landscapes of Barsoom.

However, the day held another unexpected encounter in store for them. Two Aols, named Akad and Xthar, crossed their path, their vibrant orange hues contrasting with the barren surroundings. As royal cartographers serving the Jeddak of Vhixab, a distant city to the east, they shared tales of a recent encounter with white apes that had left them fleeing for safety.

Despite the Aols' friendly demeanor and expressions of gratitude for the company, the party maintained a cautious stance. Ptormed, in particular, harbored suspicions regarding their intentions, observing the interactions with a discerning eye. Despite the party's offers of assistance, the Aols' kindly rebuffed them, allowing that the enigmatic travelers to continue their journey southward, while they remained vigilant amidst the timeless landscapes of Barsoom, pondering the mysteries and challenges that awaited them on the path ahead.

System(s): Warriors of the Red Planet/Seven Voyages of Zylarthen/OSE Advanced Fantasy 

Setting: The planet of Ancient Barsoom (approximately 100,000 years before the events of A Princess of Mars) 

The Party:

Hrul Marak (Human, red) Level 1 Fighting-man

Ptormed (Ancient) Level 1 Scientist

Haj Uljat (Human, red) Level 1 Scoundrel

Khem (Unliving) Level 1 Mentalist

Hexes explored: 

2404 [mountains] 

2504 [mountains]***


Ancient waterfall that leads to a dry riverbed cut into the bedrock of the mountains.



2504   Aols (orange men) 2

Result: The Aols (orange men) named Akad and Xthar, were royal cartographers for the Jeddak of Vhixab, a city somewhere to the east. The encounter was peaceful, the Aols being friendly. They expressed that they were fleeing from a white apes that had attacked their party a few days back. No white apes were encountered in the immediate area at the time of the meeting. The Aols were traveling south and planned to return to their journey on the morrow, thankful that they had safe company for the night. All requests by the party to assist were gently rebuked. Ptormed remained somewhat suspicious of their intentions.

(Man, Orange AC: 7 [13] HD: 1 Atk: sword Dmg: 1d8 Save: F1 Move: 90’)

Resources expended:
1 provision each

XP earned:
100 (25xp each plus bonuses)

* = Encounters 
** = Features
*** = Encounters and Features 


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