Hexplore24 Day 34/366


Team Delta encountered a series of unexpected twists and turns as they ventured deeper into the untamed wilderness of Barsoom. Their journey along the ancient road came to an abrupt end, leaving them to traverse empty savannas and desolate landscapes stretching endlessly before them.

As dusk descended upon the land, they found themselves surrounded by arid thickets, their senses alert to the subtle movements and hidden dangers lurking within the shadows. In the distance, a crevasse beckoned, its depths shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. Sending Thryst Drim to scout the area, they soon discovered a formidable presence of Tharks, their numbers swelling to a daunting count of 150 green savages.

Recognizing the perilous situation, the party wisely chose to skirt around the dangerous territory, setting their course back towards Emtor under the cover of night. Journeying northward through hills and mountains, they stumbled upon a remarkable sight: a well-tended garden nestled within a cleft in the mountainside, illuminated by the soft glow of irradium lamps.

Opting to make camp amidst the tranquil beauty of the garden, the party settled in for the night, their weary bodies finding solace amidst the serenity of the wilderness. Yet, as the night wore on, their peace was shattered by the sudden onslaught of septipedes, their vicious attacks met with swift retaliation from the vigilant members of the party.

Despite the chaos of the nocturnal assault, the party emerged victorious, their spirits undaunted by the trials of the night. As the dawn broke across the horizon, they found themselves ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, their resolve unshaken in the face of the untamed wilderness that awaited them.

System(s): Warriors of the Red Planet/Seven Voyages of Zylarthen/OSE Advanced Fantasy 

Setting: The planet of Ancient Barsoom (approximately 100,000 years before the events of A Princess of Mars) 

The Party:

Name: Ghodrim Dar 
Race: Ancient 
Class: Warden 1

Name: Fthak 
Race: Exotic (silicate based humanoid) 
Class: Fighting-man 1

Name: Yu Xythro 
Race: Unliving 
Class: Mentalist 1

Name: Ak 
Race: Man, yellow Martian 
Class: Sorcerer of the Black Gate 1

Name: Sorm
Race: Unliving
Class: Kineticist 1

Name: Thryst Drim
Race: Elevated (a mantis-creature called a Beklid)
Class: Warden 1

Hexes explored: 
2010 [savanna]**
1910 [savanna]
2009 [savanna]
2109 [thickets]***
2108 [hills] 
2107 [mountains]***

2010 The ancient road ends.
2109 Deep, canyon-like crevasse. 150 Tharks
2107 A well-tended garden miles from any settlement. 15 Septipedes 


2109  Tharks  150
Result: avoided being seen and skirted around the site. Decided to travel as far into the night as possible to get away from the Tharks and reach Emtor as quickly as possible. 

2107  Septipedes  15
Result: attacked by the creatures, but quickly and thoroughly dispatched all of them in short order. 


Resources expended:
1 provision each
4 torches
XP earned:
250 each 

* = Encounters 
** = Features
*** = Encounters and Features


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