Hexplore24 Day 35/366


Team Delta continued their journey towards Emtor, their path winding through the vast expanse of savannas and rugged mountains that stretched across the landscape. As they pressed onward, the towering peaks and sweeping plains bore witness to their passage, a testament to the resilience and determination of the adventurers.

With each step, they drew closer to their destination, the familiar landmarks of the wilderness guiding their way. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the mountain slopes, the party chose to make camp amidst the rugged beauty of the mountains, their weary bodies finding solace beneath the starlit sky.

In the embrace of the wilderness, they found respite from the trials of the day, their spirits buoyed by the camaraderie of fellow adventurers and the shared journey towards their common goal. As they settled in for the night, the mountains echoed with the quiet whispers of the wind, a reminder of the untamed landscape that surrounded them.

System(s): Warriors of the Red Planet/Seven Voyages of Zylarthen/OSE Advanced Fantasy 

Setting: The planet of Ancient Barsoom (approximately 100,000 years before the events of A Princess of Mars) 

The Party:

Name: Ghodrim Dar 
Race: Ancient 
Class: Warden 1

Name: Fthak 
Race: Exotic (silicate based humanoid) 
Class: Fighting-man 1

Name: Yu Xythro 
Race: Unliving 
Class: Mentalist 1

Name: Ak 
Race: Man, yellow Martian 
Class: Sorcerer of the Black Gate 1

Name: Sorm
Race: Unliving
Class: Kineticist 1

Name: Thryst Drim
Race: Elevated (a mantis-creature called a Beklid)
Class: Warden 1

Hexes explored: 
2106 [savanna]
2005 [savanna]
1905 [mountains]
1904 [mountains]




Resources expended:
1 provision each
4 torches 

XP earned:

* = Encounters 
** = Features
*** = Encounters and Features


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